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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Factors Affecting Rail Car Supply
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Bridget Baldwin
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:Mar 2001
Report #:MPC-01-121
Project #:MPC-125
TRID #:00811879
Keywords:demand, information dissemination, markets, performance, railroad cars, railroad transportation, supply
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Because of the differentiated car program types, it is essential to understand the costs and benefits of each of them. Depending on your situation, a combination of different programs may have the best return for each organization. By providing descriptions of programs, decision makers are able to better match needs of the organization to offerings of the railroads. If companies involved with grain procurement are to remain competitive, an accurate projection of shipping needs is necessary. Even if estimates are close to actual demand, other factors must be taken into consideration. If the railroad does not deliver rail cars on a timely basis, increased costs may be incurred from additional handling and storing of grain.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050