Research Reports Filter by Keyword6 report(s) found with railroad cars in the keywords field 1 - 6 of 6 This study examines the capital investment needs facing the short-line industry, the financing terms available to short lines for meeting these needs, the public interest benefits of short-line railroads, and the relationship of short-line railroad services to the statutory responsibilities of the Secretary... Because of the differentiated car program types, it is essential to understand the costs and benefits of each of them. Depending on your situation, a combination of different programs may have the best return for each organization. By providing descriptions of programs, decision makers are able to better... Future customer demands, service availability, and industry investment decisions will shape the modal marketing decisions of the grain marketing sector. The Delphi survey technique is used to engage a cross-section of grain industry experts in sharing opinions regarding future trends for service, investment... This study examines some of the most significant new rail issues facing the state of North Dakota, and their ramifications for future rail policy. The study finds that: 1) the state of North Dakota should advocate alternatives to rail abandonment; 2) rail banking should be used when the possibility of... This paper discusses the lease option vs. the purchase option of rail cars. Discusses the advantages/disadvantages of leasing rail equipment in North Dakota.