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21 report(s) found with marketing in the keywords field
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A majority of North Dakota's communities are rural, and depend on an extensive transportation network for personal mobility and marketing their resource-based production. The purpose of this paper is to provide a plan for research and service that serves the transportation needs of North Dakota's rural...

Management and utilization of North Dakota's transportation network is extremely dynamic in nature. This has always been the case, but particularly so in the past five to ten years. Several factors have accelerated the changes in demands on the transportation system and its management. Some of these...

This report narrows the product focus to grain and emphasizes the role of rail transportation.

This report is a synopsis of North Dakota grain production and marketing patterns, as well as how rail line abandonment affects local grain shipments and prices.

The main objective of this study is to present an overview of grain procuring, handling, transportation, and selling as it pertains to North Dakota. Specific objectives are to: 1) examine the concept of shipping grain in multiple car units; 2) describe various marketing alternatives available to country...

The objectives of this report are: 1) to describe the grain production and marketing characteristics of the southeast-central portion of North Dakota, with particular attention paid to Dickey and Sargent counties; 2) to estimate the volume of grain which may be available to area merchandisers through...

The general overall objective of this study was to review and evaluate the present performance and role of farm trucks in the marketing of North Dakota's agricultural products.

The grain handling and transportation system in North Dakota is experiencing tremendous infrastructural change. Multiple car grain rates, rail line abandonments, energy considerations and technological advances are corollary factors, among others, influencing this transition.

This paper presents an overview of the use and development of rail cost statistics in transportation and marketing analysis. The purpose of the paper is to provide transportation and marketing analysts with a general description of cost procedures and areas of application and use.

A synopsis of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980.

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