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3 report(s) found with life cycle analysis in the keywords field
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Snowplow trucks serve a crucial role in winter maintenance activities by removing, loading, and disposing of snow. An effective performance monitoring and analysis process can assist transportation agencies in effectively managing the snowplow trucks and maintaining normal functioning of roadways. Previous...


Bridge expansion joints are a particularly troublesome component of bridges and many departments of transportation (DOTs) are looking for a solution to deteriorating expansion joints on highway bridges. Bridge expansion joints create a break in the structural continuity of a bridge, allowing clogging...

Gravel Shortage Options (Dec 1996, MPC-96-65)

Some North Dakota counties are facing a shortage in quality gravel. Other counties may experience the same problem in the near future. Gravel pits in the state are scarce and counties consume substantial amounts of gravel for a large portion of their roads. Obtaining gravel from distant sources leaves...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050