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6 report(s) found with fly ash in the keywords field
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This research explores the influence of thermo-mechanical beneficiation methods on the physicochemical characteristics and reactivity of fly ashes disposed of in landfills (LFAs) obtained from power plants in Wyoming and Colorado, USA. An in-depth assessment was conducted on the mechanical and performance...

The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of commercially available polymer soil stabilizers in expansive soil swell reduction relative to quicklime and Class C fly ash. A survey of state departments of transportation within the Mountain-Plains region of the United States (Colorado...

The objectives of this study were to assess geotechnical properties of mine waste amended with fly ash and evaluate reuse of fly ash amended mine waste as road construction material. Three types of fly ash and one type of cement were used as cementitious binder. Natural and synthetic (i.e., laboratory...

The use of off-specification fly ashes to increase the shear strength and stiffness of an expansive soil-rubber (ESR) mixture is investigated systematically in this study. The off-specification fly ashes used include a high-sulfur content and a high-carbon content fly ash. A class C fly ash is used as...

Coal ash is the portion of ash rejected by the stack and collected at the base as a waste product. Coal ash is comprised of bottom ash and fly ash. Fly ash accounts for 70 percent to 80 percent of total coal ash and the rest being bottom ash. Only 39 percent of bottom ash is utilized with the rest being...

The objectives of this research were to determine if fly ash has an effect on the field performance of cement-treated bases, determine if cement-treated bases perform similarly to other base types, and develop pavement performance models for interstate and non-interstate roadways in the state of Wyoming.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050