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98 report(s) found with design in the keywords field
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Recent design requirements for traffic signal and sign structures incorporated fatigue load criteria related to wind that are producing significant increases in size and cost. The Fourth Edition of the AASHTO Luminaire and Traffic Signal Specification (2002 with interims) specification is a significant...

A wood-concrete composite bridge constructed of recycled utility poles is a potentially cost effective solution to repair a portion of the 108,647 rural bridges that have been deemed functionally obsolete or structurally deficient and have a span under thirty feet in length. This research project focuses...

Animal-vehicle crashes are a concern for many areas of the country but are a particular concern for rural areas such as Wyoming. While there is considerable literature available on the effectiveness of various animal-vehicle countermeasures, such as fencing and signing, there is currently little quantifiable...

This paper evaluates the impact of various I-15 reconstruction closure scenarios on the travelers in the Ogden area. The purpose of the research was to investigate the impact of the scenarios and facilitate decisions about future maintenance of traffic during the reconstruction.

This paper presents preliminary results of the VISUM Online validation. It compares traffic conditions estimated by VISUM Online to measured data. The results show that VISUM Online produces comparable traffic measures.

In this paper, elevator trip generation equations are estimated from detailed facility, land-use, and highway traffic data in North Dakota. A trip attraction equation is used to explain the effects of elevator storage capacity and side track capacity on elevator throughput. Elevators are classified on...

Transportation is a vital national need and one of the areas of increased employment opportunities. Fostering student interest in transportation and transportation related areas of study is vital to our nation's future work force, and these arenas are rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate...

Research at Colorado State University in wood-concrete layered composites for structural applications has been in progress for more than a decade. Key features of the research are experimental and analytical work to analyze notched shear key interlayer connections. These connections are being used to...

A project to study the pier moment-rotation behavior of compact and non-compact high performance steel HPS70W bridge I-girders was conducted at Colorado State University in the context of examining two restrictions for inelastic design of steel bridge girders in the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD...

This project was initiated to develop and select advanced computer programs to improve roadway hydraulic and hydrologic design tools available for use by UDOT engineers and consultants. The development and selection of such computer software that utilizes engineering analysis along with interactive graphics...

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