Research Reports Filter by Keyword4 report(s) found with data sharing in the keywords field 1 - 4 of 4 Road safety is a crucial topic of transportation engineering. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) collects such data from police crash reports and roadway inventories. WYDOT also provides those data to its partner groups in the form of data records or summary statistics documented in periodical... Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) provides grant funding to states wishing to deploy projects which fit within the scope of the Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) program. FMCSA recognizes two levels of ITD deployment. Core ITD requires states to implement a basic set of capabilities... With the recent increase in connectivity in vehicle technologies, connected vehicles (CVs) offer a number of potential improvements (e.g., safety, mobility, environmental efficiency, etc.) to the existing transportation system. However, to maximize these benefits, sufficient market penetration of CV... The project objective was to assess and determine whether the logistical practices of small and rural suppliers will allow them the opportunity to successfully participate in an integrated supply chain. The project consists of two steps. First, we identified minimal logistical capabilities a supplier...