Research Reports Filter by Keyword4 report(s) found with consumer preferences in the keywords field 1 - 4 of 4 With the recent increase in connectivity in vehicle technologies, connected vehicles (CVs) offer a number of potential improvements (e.g., safety, mobility, environmental efficiency, etc.) to the existing transportation system. However, to maximize these benefits, sufficient market penetration of CV... A study investigated the cognitive underpinnings of consumers' beliefs and confidence in their beliefs about fully automated vehicles. Following previous research, opinions about self-driving cars tended to be mixed. The most negative views were held by consumers who had the least knowledge of self-driving... With ever-increasing traffic demand and price of fossil fuels public transit becomes more popular transportation mode than ever before, especially in the fast growing regions such as Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region. Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) (a local Metropolitan Planning Organization)... This report determines motorists' preferences and attitudes toward using advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) at highway-rail intersections (HRIs). Intelligent Transportation Systems which include real-time information for motorists can provide cost-effective solutions to reducing delay and congestion...