MPC Research Reports
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3 report(s) found with climate in the keywords field
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Precipitation-induced landslides pose risks to humans through property damage, disruption of infrastructure, injury, and loss of life. These risks may be altered by climate change, as changes in vegetation cover and associated root cohesion might lead to a change in areas susceptible to landslides. We...
Current pavement design based on the AASHTO Design Guide uses an empirical approach from the results of the AASHO Road Test conducted in 1958. To address some of the limitations of the original design guide, AASHTO developed a new guide: Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). This guide...
One significant consideration when examining a business venture is to define the network for the product. The network design should take into account the number, size, and location of suppliers, producers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers.The spreadsheet model allows consideration of a number...