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7 report(s) found with accessibility in the keywords field
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The transportation experiences of people with disabilities have improved since the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Despite progress, many aspects of the current transportation system still limit people with disabilities from traveling safely and efficiently. Moreover, transportation...

This project covers the development of Accessibility measures for the State of North Dakota at the county level and for the three North Dakota Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). It explains the procedures, constraints and considerations for the use of the model as an evaluation tool to measure...

The First Mile Last Mile (FMLM) challenge garners significant attention as a means to assess the accessibility of the first leg to transit and the last leg from public transit. As a critical barrier to public transit accessibility, the challenge provides many opportunities to closely analyze conditions...

This study is an attempt to empirically measure livability to emphasize its role in community livability. Establishing these measures would enhance the practice and implementation of livability principles by various practitioners in the transit industry. This is in view of the difficulties faced in the...

MPOs are beginning to consider implications of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation that requires specific attention for security elements in transportation planning. This most recent federal transportation bill extracts...

The low mobility of seniors may be due in part to a history of auto-oriented transportation and land use policy decisions. More recently, land use policies that make it possible to drive less show promise of effectiveness for the population as a whole. However, little attention has been paid to the implications...

Urban economic theory suggests that improved accessibility by transportation investments have the potential to drive up the bids for lands. A number of studies have investigated the impact of rail transit on home sales but produced mixed results. Further, few studies have explored how bus transit influences...

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