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8 report(s) found with Native Americans in the keywords field
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Food insecurity is a persistent problem in the United States that is disproportionately distributed across racial groups. Native American tribes, many located in rural areas, have high rates of food insecurity. Transportation plays a role in the limited access to food. This study focused on transportation...

The objectives of this research are to study the demographic indicators of tribal communities that relate to transportation needs, describe and evaluate existing tribal transit operations and funding, and examine the role of transit in livability and quality of life in tribal communities in the United...

The American Indian population is at high risk for motor vehicle (MV) crash injury. Although preventable, a majority of these indigenous populations lack fundamental data needed to understand these events and effective countermeasures. This cross-case study sets a framework for exploring Indian Nations'...

Many Native American tribal governments are lacking in emergency preparedness, a part of the emergency management cycle where planning for disasters happens. These governments need assistance planning for future disasters. Federal, and state governments, along with other agencies and organizations, have...

This report draws on prior and ongoing research regarding the transportation needs of Native American and Alaska Native communities. It also presents information on existing tribal transit services, much of which was collected via a survey of the entities that have received 5311(c) tribal transit funding...

Rural American typically need to travel longer distances than their urban counterparts. They also tend to have lower incomes and have few travel options other than personal automobiles. As a result, rural residents spend a greater percentage of their income on motor fuel than urban dwellers. Many Native...

In 2005, Congress enacted the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). This highway funding legislation created a new Section 5311c program, which provided funding for Indian tribes and the provision of public transit programs serving small urban...

The involvement of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) in transportation research on Indian reservations began in 1989 when CURA received a small grant from the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies. CURA was asked to submit a proposal to conduct a pilot survey on one...

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