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3 report(s) found for Andrew Bratlien
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North Dakota currently designs roads based on the AASHTO Design Guide procedure, which is based on the empirical findings of the AASHTO Road Test of the late 1950s. However, limitations of the current empirical approach have prompted AASHTO to move toward the new mechanistically based pavement design...

This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition...

This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050