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12 report(s) found for Andrea Huseth-Zosel
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This report gives a summary of the current state of alcohol-impaired driving and countermeasures in the United States and individual states, including North Dakota.

This study analyzes data from past DUI offender surveys using the findings as a resource for improving traffic safety program functionality and effectiveness in reducing the tendency of North Dakotans to drive after drinking alcohol.

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat belt...

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, an independent research and education center at North Dakota State University located in Fargo, ND, was contracted by the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) to conduct a field survey of seat belt use in 2011. The study required use of a...

This report seeks to update and expand upon a 2007 (Vachal and McGowan) report by determining changes in traffic safety policy that may have occurred in each of the Northern Rocky Mountain Region (NRMR) states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming) between 2006 and 2010. The report will ascertain...

North Dakota consistently experiences a relatively high level of crashes and injuries on rural roads, considering lane miles and vehicle miles traveled. Approximately 55% of the state's travel, in vehicle-miles, takes place on rural roads. North Dakota fatal crash reports from 2003 to 2007 show that...

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue work to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat...

North Dakota is currently ranked first in the nation in percent of total traffic fatalities that are alcohol-related. Although not mandated in North Dakota, server training is one of the programs being implemented by North Dakota Safe Communities to aid in reducing impaired driving. Server training...

Occupant protection is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to protect yourself when riding in a motor vehicle. Yet many North Dakota youth, especially rural youth, fail to wear their seat belts, even with a primary seat belt law for children under the age of 18 in the state of North Dakota....

Seating children in the rear of vehicles has been shown to decrease the odds of being fatally injured in a motor vehicle crash by 36% to 40%. Although rear seating is safer, rates of children being front-seated remain high, especially for older children. Few states have enacted legislation regarding...

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