Research Reports Filter by Author26 report(s) found for Dave Ripplinger In this study, the cohort-component method of population projection is used to project changes in the size of various groups at five-year intervals from 2005 to 2025 for each of North Dakota's 53 counties. The populations of interest in the study, seniors, the disabled, students age 5 to 19, and households... Advances in computers, telecommunications, and information system technologies have led to the development of a wide range of applications that can improve the efficiency and quality of service for all forms of transportation, including public transit. These developments provide additional tools to help... The study is part of a statewide strategic transportation plan adopted in 2002 by the NDDOT to provide a shared vision for North Dakota's transportation system. The plan's goals call for a transportation system that allows optimum personal mobility. One of the initiatives is the development of a statewide... Determining the optimal form of service where economic realities and the desire for a high level of customer service must find balance is one of the most difficult challenges facing providers of community transportation. Accurately estimating the impacts of changes in service policy in terms of ridership... The 2005 campus transit survey received responses from 1,380 students enrolled at North Dakota State University, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Concordia College. The data provides insight into campus transportation use and other transit related issues. Survey topics included the mobility demands... The study provides information to aid transportation decision makers in planning and programming for future commodity transportation needs. The study describes recent trends in potato production and processing within the state; examines the logistics of potato transportation, storage, and processing...