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38 report(s) found for Del Peterson
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Despite the retirement of transit managers in small urban and rural communities, succession planning to prepare local transit agencies is lacking. Applied research must be developed to provide a smooth transition for the public transportation industry as it moves forward. Current specific workforce shortages...

The current pandemic has affected the lives of all Americans. Rural communities are particularly vulnerable because of a lack of mobility services and the great distances individuals must travel for healthcare and other needs. Nearly five million veterans live in rural communities, representing 57% of...

The number of Americans age 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group's share of the total population will rise from 16% to 23% (US Census 2018). Also, average U.S. life expectancy increased from 68 years in 1950 to 78.6 years...

This document contains a report based on two online surveys conducted by the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC), Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU, during the 2019 spring semester. The first survey captured the NDSU student experience with Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) and students'...

This study was conducted to provide the Oklahoma Transit Association and state policy makers with information that will allow them to plan for mobility challenges and address coming greater mobility needs stemming from population growth and changes in the state’s demographics. In this study, we constructed...

Intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications have been widely applied to the highway system, and are being used by an increasing number of small urban and rural transit systems throughout the United States. The objectives of this study were to first, identify what technologies are currently used...

This study developed a number of models to estimate the relationships between land use, transit ridership, household expenditures, and municipal spending, with a focus on small urban areas. First, a regression model was developed that estimated transit ridership in small urban areas as a function of...

Discoveries of shale gas reserves along with the development of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques, as well as the initiative to move the United States toward greater energy independence led to the most recent oil boom in western North Dakota (U.S. Congress 2007). Overall, the boom...

The American population continues to mature with an impending "aging tsunami" just a few years away. It is projected that by 2050, the number of Americans 65 years old or older will increase to more than 83 million, nearly double its current population of 43 million (U.S. Census 2014). Public transportation...

As America's transportation workforce continues to age, there is an increased need to invest in workforce development to combat the impending retirement tsunami. This is especially true within the small urban and rural transit industry. A national survey of rural transit managers was conducted to determine...

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