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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Field Application of Z-Spike Rejuvenation to Salvage Timber Railroad Bridges
Authors:Richard M. Gutkowski, Nathan J. Miller, and Donald W. Radford
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Dec 2011
Report #:MPC-11-245
Project #:MPC-275
TRID #:01371319
Keywords:fiber composites, load tests, maintenance practices, railroad bridges, stiffness, wooden bridges
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This report details the outcomes of shear spiking two open-deck, timber trestle railroad bridges and examining the effectiveness under applied loading. The bridges were made available to the researchers by the Union Pacific Railroad and were located in their Southern Region. The first site was located in the vicinity of Houston, Texas, specifically in Eagle Lake – a region of typically hot, humid climate, albeit being cool, damp, and sometimes rainy, conditions at the time of the study. The second site was located in the vicinity of Midland, Texas, specifically Stanton, Texas – in an extremely hot, dry climate at the time of the study. Each bridge was multi-span, but only one span was shear spiked in each case. Also, each was located along an in-service mainline railroad track and, due to rated physical condition, were scheduled to have their stringers replaced, making them available for experimentation but on a relatively fast-fuse basis.

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How to Cite

Gutkowski, Richard M., Nathan J. Miller, and Donald W. Radford. Field Application of Z-Spike Rejuvenation to Salvage Timber Railroad Bridges, MPC-11-245. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2011.

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