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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Bridge Structure Alternatives for Local Roads
Authors:Allen Jones and Kofi Oppong
University:South Dakota State University
Publication Date:May 2021
Report #:MPC-21-433
Project #:MPC-443
TRID #:01779001
Keywords:alternatives analysis, bridge construction, costs, local government, prefabricated bridges
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Photo Source: Minnesota DOTLocal governments have an immediate need for low life-cycle cost bridge replacement alternatives. Knowledge of available alternatives and construction planning processes hold potential for South Dakota local governments to replace more structurally deficient local bridges with limited funds. Through extensive literature review of research articles, reports, and existing practices within and outside South Dakota, a comprehensive list of short-span innovative bridge elements and systems that are suitable to implement at the local government level has been established. The list was converted into a catalog and divided into techniques, superstructures, substructures, materials, and entire bridge structures. The techniques include using prefabricated bridge elements and systems and the jointless bridge. Emphasis was maximum economy with mass-production of prefabricated components. An estimate of cost was developed for the alternatives listed in the catalog. The cost for each alternative provides a somewhat reliable representation of the average cost of the item per square foot of deck, and was obtained from the literature and state Department of Transportation websites. A list of administrative requirements on local bridge replacements without South Dakota Department of Transportation or federal assistance was ALSO compiled and included in this report. An evaluation procedure with simple inputs for use by local government decision making was developed. It is the intent that this checklist will lead decision makers through the process of cost and performance evaluation, and finally recommend if the project should be completed locally or using a federal program.

How to Cite

Jones, Allen, and Kofi Oppong. Bridge Structure Alternatives for Local Roads, MPC-21-433. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2021.

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