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Assessment of ND County and Local Road Needs, 2015-2017

This effort responds to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county, township, and tribal roads and bridges in the state. The document is in final draft form and is awaiting final presentation to the North Dakota Legislature. The prior draft version was posted for comment from August 30, 2016 to November 1, 2016. An overview of the draft document was also presented at five regional meetings in September and October. Comments were taken at those meetings. Infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current crop and oil production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition data. Agricultural and oil-related traffic is modeled in detail at the sub-county level. Oil-related traffic is predicted for individual spacing units, whereas agricultural production is estimated at the township level.

Local Road Needs Regional Input Meetings



NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050