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RTSSC Research Reports
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3 report(s) found with transportation in the keywords field
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Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP) provide states with an excellent opportunity to identify and engage local traffic safety partners in a program under the auspices of the SAFETEA-LU goal to reduce fatalities on the nation's roadways. States have completed the initial plan and have moved into implementation...


Today's small-community security professionals operate in an era shaped by the ever-present specter of domestic and international terrorism, increasingly interdependent webs of interaction across public and private sectors, and rapidly advancing technological innovation. In such a complex and interconnected...


MPOs are beginning to consider implications of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation that requires specific attention for security elements in transportation planning. This most recent federal transportation bill extracts...

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