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47 report(s) found with impacts in the keywords field
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Railroad and grain elevator rationalization have changed farm-to-market transportation in the western United States. Railroad route miles have declined from approximately 230,00 in 1929 to 171,000 today. Over the same period, average railroad traffic density (as measured in revenue ton-miles per mile...


This report describes a research project conducted at Colorado State University to evaluate the effect of road dust suppression on unpaved road maintenance schemes. A field-based method was used to measure the effect of road soil physical characteristics on the effectiveness of some of the commonly...


This report identifies several factors critical to the success of short line rail roads. Success was measured and analyzed by looking at variables related to traffic volume, backhaul traffic, reliance on industries and/or commodities, number of shippers, flexibility of labor, track conditions, management...


Partial deregulation of the railroad industry substantially eased regulatory impediments to consolidation. Since partial deregulation, there has been a massive consolidation of firms in the railroad industry, which has been premised on efficiency gains, network rationalization, and service quality. In...


Hearing to present findings regarding the analysis of railroad revenues and costs. The revenue-cost study was restricted to wheat movement originating in North Dakota by the BNSF railroad.


North Dakota's grain producers rely on an efficient rail system to move their products to export and domestic markets. A recent shift to larger grain hopper cars may threaten the viability of the state's light-density branch line network. This study simulates the impacts of handling larger rail cars...


This report contains a brief description of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and ITS technologies for Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO). Second, it discusses previous literature regarding benefits of ITS/CVO for motor carriers, as well as managing the change due to technology. In addition...


This analysis is largely based on received theory of firm behavior. How will an individual transportation firm react to changes in the logistical system if the four dams are breached? The collective action of like firms will result in changes in the industry, which will reveal much about the potential...


This research considers the influence of different construction materials on the dynamic impact factor of bridges. The general concept of the dynamic impact factor and typical evaluation methods are reviewed.


This study examines the impacts that railroad and trucking deregulation had on rail labor earnings and employment.

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