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3 report(s) found with customer service in the keywords field
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Determining the optimal form of service where economic realities and the desire for a high level of customer service must find balance is one of the most difficult challenges facing providers of community transportation. Accurately estimating the impacts of changes in service policy in terms of ridership...


This report presents the results from expert interviews with Minneapolis-St. Paul companies and North Dakota manufacturing companies. The Minneapolis expert interviews helped to identify the minimal logistical capabilities a supplier must have in order to do business with the Minneapolis companies. Ten...


The purpose of this study is to encourage competition among rail carriers by facilitating communications between North Dakota elevators and their rail carriers regarding customer service issues. By conveying marketing and customer service information for the four railroads, the competition for business...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050