In this issue of the North Dakota Impaired Driving Newsletter we say hello to the state’s new Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) Peter Halbach. Also, preview of the upcoming summer ND Impaired Driving
Conference and include a list of upcoming training and events along with a training resource listing.
In this issue of the newsletter you
will find information on oral fluid detection and the pilot program in our state. There is some information
on DRE detection and an update on the famous Olenowski case out of New Jersey dealing with DRE testimony. Finally, the crash board, case law, and resources listings are found toward the end.
Trucks are an important mode of economic connectivity in rural states like North Dakota. The size/mass difference between 80,000-pound trucks and 4,000-pound passenger vehicles, along with operational differences such as acceleration/deceleration times and turning radiuses, heighten risk for crash events.
UGPTI State Judicial Outreach Liaison and retired judge John Grinsteiner has recently been named as a faculty member for All Rise (formerly the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP). As faculty, Judge Grinsteiner will join the All Rise staff on the road as a facilitator or specialized presenter and subject matter expert.