Research Reports Filter by Keyword16 report(s) found with speeding in the keywords field The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Highway Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities including seat belts, impaired driving... The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Highway Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addressed nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, impaired... The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, impaired driving... The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities including seat belts, impaired driving... The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities including seat belts, impaired driving... The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the North Dakota Department of Transportation Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities... The initial statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Traffic Safety Office and others to use in understanding perceptions and behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, impaired driving... Motorcycle use brings increased risk to the operator simply by the nature of the vehicle. When a crash occurs, the threat of injury or death is magnified by physical exposure compared to that of other vehicle occupants. Detection and gap/speed judgments by other motorists present additional hazards to... The initial statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the TSO and others in understanding perceptions and behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, drinking and driving, and speeding. In addition... The initial statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the TSO and others in understanding perceptions and behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, drinking and driving, and speeding. In addition...