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6 report(s) found with soil stabilization in the keywords field
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The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of commercially available polymer soil stabilizers in expansive soil swell reduction relative to quicklime and Class C fly ash. A survey of state departments of transportation within the Mountain-Plains region of the United States (Colorado...

The use of off-specification fly ashes to increase the shear strength and stiffness of an expansive soil-rubber (ESR) mixture is investigated systematically in this study. The off-specification fly ashes used include a high-sulfur content and a high-carbon content fly ash. A class C fly ash is used as...

This report describes a research project conducted at Colorado State University to evaluate the effect of road dust suppression on unpaved road maintenance schemes. A field-based method was used to measure the effect of road soil physical characteristics on the effectiveness of some of the commonly...

When transportation agencies become involved in the remediation of hazardous waste on their sites, the common practice is to hire consultants and contractors for the clean up process. Because the field of hazardous waste site remediation is changing so rapidly, agency personnel evaluate the consultant's...

The results of an erosion control testing study are presented in this report. The purpose of the study was to compare the performance of selected erosion control products under simulated rainfall and sunlight conditions in terms of soil loss reduction and vegetation growth. A total of 19 materials--11...

This paper presents results of laboratory tests conducted to determine the effects of additives on the stabilization of unpaved road surfaces. Laboratory tests can be an efficient means of determining which additive will best stabilize a given unpaved road surface, but correlation between laboratory...

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