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165 report(s) found with rural in the keywords field
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This report investigates public transportation's impact on food insecurity in North Dakota's rural and small urban areas, defining "small urban" as cities with 2,500 to 49,999 people. It highlights how limited public transport exacerbates food access issues, scrutinizing the potential of transit systems...

This research examines the many ways that public transportation affects health, with a focus on rural and small urban areas. First, a comprehensive literature review is conducted. Research on the social determinants of health, access to health care, physical activity benefits, social isolation, and mental...

Technology-enabled, emerging, shared-use mobility services have significantly transformed the transportation ecosystem in urban communities and are beginning to enter more and more rural communities. Shared-use mobility services such as rideshare, carshare, bikeshare, microtransit, etc., are being proven...

Annually, many injuries and fatal crashes happen on local rural roads in North Dakota. The local road safety program (LRSP) strategy has been proven effective in reducing crashes on these roads. It relies on state engagement with local stakeholders to collectively reduce crash injuries in their communities....

The objective of this research is to compare the level of public transportation services provided in North Dakota to those of surrounding states. The study focuses on North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska (excluding the Omaha metro area), and Minnesota (excluding the Twin Cities metro...

Despite the retirement of transit managers in small urban and rural communities, succession planning to prepare local transit agencies is lacking. Applied research must be developed to provide a smooth transition for the public transportation industry as it moves forward. Current specific workforce shortages...

Shared-use mobility services such as ridesourcing, bikesharing, and carsharing have been introduced in a few rural communities and a fair number of small-urban communities. Input about the interest and potential willingness to use these services, and adoption of various emerging vehicle technologies...

The current pandemic has affected the lives of all Americans. Rural communities are particularly vulnerable because of a lack of mobility services and the great distances individuals must travel for healthcare and other needs. Nearly five million veterans live in rural communities, representing 57% of...

The Rural Transit Fact Book serves as a national resource for statistics and information on rural transit in America. This publication includes rural demographic and travel behavior data as well as financial and operating statistics for agencies receiving section 5311 funding. In addition to national-level...

The rise of ridesourcing services such as Uber and Lyft in recent years has revolutionized urban transportation across the globe. With the increased popularity of these services came negative impacts on industries such as taxi cab and public transit services. In an era when ridesourcing companies are...

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