Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with modal shift in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 Discoveries of shale gas reserves along with the development of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques, as well as the initiative to move the United States toward greater energy independence led to the most recent oil boom in western North Dakota (U.S. Congress 2007). Overall, the boom... The First Mile Last Mile (FMLM) challenge garners significant attention as a means to assess the accessibility of the first leg to transit and the last leg from public transit. As a critical barrier to public transit accessibility, the challenge provides many opportunities to closely analyze conditions... This study investigates the effectiveness of the Great Rides Bike Share program that was launched in 2015 in the small urban area of Fargo, North Dakota. Eleven bike share stations were installed in Fargo with 101 bikes. Stations were primarily concentrated on the North Dakota State University (NDSU)... This analysis is largely based on received theory of firm behavior. How will an individual transportation firm react to changes in the logistical system if the four dams are breached? The collective action of like firms will result in changes in the industry, which will reveal much about the potential... The Carrington-to-Turtle Lake rail line serves five agricultural shippers in a four-county area in central North Dakota. Service on the line has been affected by recent embargoes, floods, and poor, deteriorating track conditions. The line is a strong candidate for abandonment as efforts to rehabilitate...