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16 report(s) found with level of service in the keywords field
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This paper reports the results of a survey designed to determine the issues affecting North Dakota's rural aviation community. The survey elicited responses from airport managers on the broader concerns of aviation in the state.

The focal point of this paper is to provide a research and service plan that will benefit North Dakota's rural elderly and handicapped residents. A description of trends impacting rural communities and a research agenda that will work with these trends are presented in this paper.

The objective of this report is to provide baseline information about the composition of the TRF membership and their attitudes about TRF services and costs. In order, services were ranked in the Journal of Transportation Research Forum, membership directory, annual meeting, newsletter, and chapter services.

The overall purpose of this report is to objectively and quantitatively assess the potential impact that short line operations have upon service levels to grain shippers. Specifically, the first goal is to ascertain whether creating short line railroads has resulted in improvement or decline in the quality...

This analysis presents the results of a rail cost study for North Dakota grain. The purpose of the analysis is to describe the relative costs associated with various grain gathering alternatives. To that extent, four different levels of service have been analyzed: 1) 52-car single-origin; 2) 52-car two-origin...

Examines changes which have occurred in North Dakota airline fares and services since deregulation. The findings and summary conclusions of the analysis are presented.

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