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3 report(s) found with consolidations in the keywords field
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Partial deregulation of the railroad industry substantially eased regulatory impediments to consolidation. Since partial deregulation, there has been a massive consolidation of firms in the railroad industry, which has been premised on efficiency gains, network rationalization, and service quality. In...

Future customer demands, service availability, and industry investment decisions will shape the modal marketing decisions of the grain marketing sector. The Delphi survey technique is used to engage a cross-section of grain industry experts in sharing opinions regarding future trends for service, investment...

The general objective of this study is to provide a descriptive analysis of the subterminal/satellite form of organization and an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of reorganizing local country elevators into this type of system.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050