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43 report(s) found for John Bitzan
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The balance of this report will examine the experiences U.S. production agriculture has had with deregulation of the transportation industry. It will highlight the evolution of the procurement segment of grain marketing, concentrating on the wheat origination region, as it is an important export commodity...

This study examined LTL carriers in the mountain-plains region of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Many rural communities rely on the LTL industry for freight movements in and out of the region. The level of LTL service in the mountain-plains region is unknown in a post regulated environment.

This study examines the cost conditions present in the Class I railroad industry. Recent mergers and merger proposals have brought forth questions regarding the desirability of maintaining competition in areas impacted by horizontal mergers and, similarly, the desirability of end-to-end mergers.

There has been controversy over the relative benefits of coordinating rural transit systems. Initially, it was expected that coordinated systems would experience lower costs and/or offer increased services. Some regional studies have indicated that coordinated systems do not experience decreased costs...

This study examines the impacts that railroad and trucking deregulation had on rail labor earnings and employment.

This study describes eight innovative financing methods (e.g., rural improvement districts) and 14 cost-reducing strategies (e.g., sharing equipment) that local governments in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming currently are using. County road officials identified...

This paper estimates railroad and truck shipment costs for several major commodities and illustrates how public data and analytic tools can be used to analyze multimodal trade-offs and efficiencies.

This study examines the impacts of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA90) on coal production and coal flows. The CAAA90 take a markedly different approach to pollution control from stationary sources when compared to past 'clean air' legislation. The new approach to limiting sulfur dioxide emissions...

A 1995 survey of N.D. producers was conducted to gain insight into the farm-to-market logistical process. In assessing the process, this study was used to examine the factors that affect the marketing decision, the criteria used in the grain marketing decision, the make-up of the farm truck fleet, and...

Recent elimination of the Interstate Commerce Commission, pending rail mergers of major carriers, and the recent attempts to set maximum reasonable rate guidelines have indicated the concerns of captive shippers over rates and service. This study has shed some light on the grain marketing practices of...

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