Research Reports |
Title: | Operational and Safety Analysis with Mitigation Strategies for Freeway Truck Traffic in Wyoming |
Authors: | Milan Zlatkovic, Khaled Ksaibati, and Muhammad Tahmidul Haq |
University: | University of Wyoming |
Publication Date: | Aug 2019 |
Report #: | MPC-19-396 |
Project #: | MPC-519 |
TRID #: | 01717792 |
Keywords: | climbing lanes, crash rates, evaluation and assessment, freeways, traffic delays, traffic safety, traffic speed, truck traffic |
Type: | Research Report – MPC Publications |
The State of Wyoming road network is characterized by heavy truck traffic. In 2015, truck traffic was approximately 22% of vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) along all routes in Wyoming, according to the WYDOT Annual Traffic Report. The heaviest truck traffic exists along I-80 with about 47% truck VMTs. Trucks have significantly different physical and driving characteristics than passenger cars, especially on grades, which has impacts on operational efficiency, safety, and pavement deterioration. The presence of heavy vehicles reduces the capacity of freeway segments, with the reduction being more significant along specific grades. This study focuses on the benefits of climbing lanes on operations and safety of freeway truck traffic. Various methodologies were used in this assessment. The results show that the addition of climbing lanes reduces delays and increases overall traffic speeds on upgrades, and can reduce the total and truck-related crashes from 6% to 34%, and from 1% to 16%, respectively, depending on the analyzed location and applied methodology.
Zlatkovic, Milan, Khaled Ksaibati, and Muhammad Tahmidul Haq. Operational and Safety Analysis with Mitigation Strategies for Freeway Truck Traffic in Wyoming, MPC-19-396. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2019.