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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Building a Framework for Transportation Resiliency and Evaluating the Resiliency Benefits of Light Rail Transit in Denver, Colorado
Authors:Wesley E. Marshall, Alejandro Henao, and Rachael Bronson
University:University of Colorado Denver
Publication Date:Mar 2015
Report #:MPC-15-279
Project #:MPC-361
TRID #:01557028
Keywords:commuting, costs, light rail transit, mode choice, travel behavior
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


While high income represents one path to resilience, our results suggest higher resilience in locations with proximity to high levels of employment, with more compact and connected street networks that facilitate walking and bicycling, and/or with better transit infrastructure. Current transit usage does not make as big of a difference as living in the vicinity of better transit infrastructure. In other words, there is a significant option value to transit in the resiliency scenarios. We also developed a Transportation Economic Resilience (TER) rating system to help facilitate understanding resiliency across different geographical areas. Cities and regions that fail to plan for such events that will be economically and socially vulnerable to such shocks.

How to Cite

Marshall, Wesley E., Alejandro Henao, and Rachael Bronson. Building a Framework for Transportation Resiliency and Evaluating the Resiliency Benefits of Light Rail Transit in Denver, Colorado, MPC-15-279. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2015.

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