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Report Details

Title:Impacts and Benefits of Implementing Building Information Modeling on Bridge Infrastructure Projects
Authors:Caroline M. Clevenger, Mehmet E. Ozbek, Hussam Mahmoud, and Blaine Fanning
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Oct 2014
Report #:MPC-14-272
Project #:MPC-413
TRID #:01544518
Keywords:asset management, average daily traffic, benefits, bridge construction, case studies, computer aided design, costs, implementation, infrastructure, state of the practice
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


To date, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is not widely utilized in infrastructure asset management. Benefits achieved through implementation in vertical construction, however, suggest that BIM represents significant opportunity for gains in process, material, and economic efficiency throughout infrastructure life cycles. This research documents the current state of BIM implementation across four (4) regional transportation authorities in the United States. Next, it provides a detailed case study analyzing and comparing two current (2013) bridge projects, one that uses BIM and one that does not. The advantages of BIM are confirmed through observed reduction in requests for information (RFIs) and change orders (COs) relative to construction area (SF), cost ($), and average daily traffic, compared with typical construction. Finally, the report outlines potential benefits and implications of using BIM for infrastructure asset management by regional transportation authorities and the transportation industry overall. Numerous stakeholders involved with horizontal construction and operation currently seek information regarding the potentially significant benefits of integrating BIM into infrastructure asset management. This research is important because it serves to assess and inform such an imminent transition. The contribution of this research is to document and assess the role of BIM implementation and potential impacts in order to use it in assisting throughout the life cycle of infrastructure assets.

How to Cite

Clevenger, Caroline M., Mehmet E. Ozbek, Hussam Mahmoud, and Blaine Fanning. Impacts and Benefits of Implementing BIM on Bridge Infrastructure Projects, MPC-14-272. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2014.

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