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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:University of North Dakota Campus Shuttle Study
Authors:Marc Scott, Mridula Sarker, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough
Publication Date:Mar 2011
Report #:SP-174
TRID #:01342028
Keywords:attitudes, awareness, benefits, campus transportation, college students, customer satisfaction, mode choice, quality of service, ridership, shuttle service, surveys, travel behavior
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The study involved collecting and reporting information on the travel behavior of UND students; collecting and reporting information on their preferences and attitudes toward campus shuttle services; analyzing shuttle service passenger trip data; evaluating existing shuttle services; and providing both short-term and long-term recommendations to improve campus shuttle services.

How to Cite

Scott, Marc, Mridula Sarker, Del Peterson, and Dr. Jill Hough. University of North Dakota Campus Shuttle Study, SP-174. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2011.

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