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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Development of a Predictive Model to Ascertain Probable Safety Ratings for Motor Carrier Firms: A Nation-Wide Perspective
Authors:Brenda Lantz
Publication Date:May 1994
Report #:DP-105
TRID #:00737574
Keywords:databases, highway safety, inspection, legislation, mathematical models, motor carriers, roadside, trucking
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This project examines the feasibility of developing a model from other data to ascertain the likelihood of a certain safety rating. This would enable efforts to be concentrated on the motor carrier firms with the least probability of achieving a Satisfactory rating and reduce the need to visit every firm. A preliminary analysis is conducted using only information from North Dakota to get a feel for the data, then a comprehensive analysis is performed utilizing all motor carriers in the database.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050