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Report Details

Title:Ocean Freight Rate Database, Phase 1 Technical Report
Authors:Doug Benson, Kimberly Vachal, and Trent Byberg
Publication Date:May 1999
Report #:SP-142
TRID #:01848399
Keywords:agricultural products, databases, exports, ocean shipping, rates
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


This report describes the Access database created to automate some of the tedious work required to process information requests from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Ag Export Assistance program. The main functionality requested for this automation project were: (1) store present and historical ocean freight rates in one central location, (2) provide a useable interface for entering data into the database, (3) automate the creation of monthly and historical reports by commodity, route, and month, (4) provide output in a format that can be easily placed on the Internet for viewing, printing, and downloading; and (5) enter all historical data from the existing Ocean Freight Rate Bulletins into the final database.

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