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Report Details

Title:Studying the Use of Low-Cost Sensing Devices to Report Roadway Pavement Conditions
Authors:Moatassem Abdallah, Caroline Clevenger, and Shahryar Monghasemi
University:University of Colorado Denver
Publication Date:Sep 2024
Report #:MPC-24-565
Project #:MPC-612
TRID #:01941297
Keywords:condition surveys, data collection, maintenance management, mixed integer programming, pavement maintenance, real time information, sensors
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This report investigates the application of low-cost sensing technologies, including GPS, accelerometers, and smartphones, to monitor roadway pavement conditions in real time. By leveraging widely available sensors embedded in vehicles, this research demonstrates how machine learning models can detect and classify road anomalies, such as cracks and potholes, significantly improving road safety and reducing operational costs. The study also presents a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to optimize maintenance and repair (M&R) activities under budget constraints. These models help transportation agencies prioritize road repairs, ensure efficient resource allocation, and minimize traffic disruptions. By adopting low-cost sensor-based approaches, municipalities can move toward more proactive, data-driven maintenance strategies, ultimately improving road network longevity and user satisfaction.

How to Cite

Abdallah, Moatassem, Caroline Clevenger, and Shahryar Monghasemi. Studying the Use of Low-Cost Sensing Devices to Report Roadway Pavement Conditions, MPC-24-565. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.

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