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Report Details

Title:Incorporation of Social Equity Considerations into Transportation Asset Management
Authors:Fawzi Khalife, Rebecca Atadero, Mehmet Ozbek, and Erin Arneson
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Sep 2024
Report #:MPC-24-556
Project #:MPC-682
TRID #:01941299
Keywords:asset management, decision support systems, equity, surveys, transportation departments, transportation planning
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


There is increasing awareness among transportation professionals about the importance of incorporating social equity into their practices. While the transit sector has made notable progress, other areas, such as asset management, are still lagging in integrating social equity into decision making. This project aimed to address this gap by conducting a literature review and gathering insights through interviews and surveys with personnel from local governments, transportation agencies, and community-based organizations. The research team explored how social equity is currently operationalized by transportation departments and agencies, and assessed how it is considered across various fields. They developed a tailored definition of equity for asset management, identified both existing and missing indicators for this definition, and proposed decision-making tools as initial methods for integrating social equity into transportation asset management. The project culminated in a refined understanding of social equity in transportation asset management and an initial framework to guide local governments and agencies in incorporating equity into their decision-making processes.

How to Cite

Khalife, Fawzi, Rebecca Atadero, Mehmet Ozbek, and Erin Arneson. Incorporation of Social Equity Considerations into Transportation Asset Management, MPC-24-556. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.

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