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Student of the Year Award
2011-2012 Recipient

Douglas Allen

A carpenter for over 12 years, Doug Allen returned to further his education by seeking a B.S. in civil engineering at Colorado State University in 2006. He chose to continue on for a master's degree in 2010. As an undergraduate and graduate student Doug has worked on numerous MPC research projects including "Sustainable Concretes for Transportation Infrastructure", "Low Impact, High Toughness Transportation Barriers", "Rapid Load rating of Short Rural Bridges", and "Long-Term Performance of FRP Repair Materials." He is or will be a co-author on reports for three of these projects. This extensive participation in MPC related research and his outstanding academic ability led to Doug's selection for this award. Doug has also pursued other research opportunities and in the summer of 2009, he went to Japan for seismic testing of a seven story structure participating in a Research Experience for Undergraduates with the National Science Foundation.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050