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Student of the Year Award
2017-2018 Recipient

Dilip Mistry

Mistry has a master's degree in computer science from NDSU and a bachelor's degree in naval architecture and marine engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a graduate research assistant with the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at NDSU and has worked on research projects including development of a grain flow geographic information systems prototype model and a statewide travel demand passenger model. He is currently working on his dissertation proposal on applying machine-learning algorithms to assess the impact on transportation systems of keeping various assets in a state of good repair. He expects to receive his Ph.D. in December of 2018 and pursue a career in academia.

In 2017 in work with the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute's Small Urban and Rural Transit Center, Mistry developed a predictive model to assess issues related to keeping the transportation system in a state of good repair. The work will help transit agencies predict when transit assets need to be rehabilitated and replaced, and make decisions on investments and priorities to maintain state-of-good-repair needs.

In addition, in 2017 Mistry also led a fundraising event for the North Dakota chapter of Distressed Children and Infants International, an international non-profit working to protect the rights of children, stop child labor, and help families lift themselves out of poverty. The event raised funds for underprivileged children in Bangladesh.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050