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Staff Bio

Ron Hall
Program Co-Director - Northern TTAP
Tribal Transportation Program Manager
Phone: (970)217-9076
Email: ronald.hall@ndsu.edu
ORCID: 0000-0002-6673-0765

Mr. Hall is a lawyer who works nationally to understand and support the research, training, technical assistance, technology transfer and strategic planning needs of tribal programs. His legal experience includes general counsel representation of tribal governments, Native American owned businesses, surety, and construction law. Mr. Hall's work includes tribal consultation facilitation, mediation, research, strategic planning, and training on a wide range of transportation infrastructure, historic and cultural preservation, equity, economic development, and workforce initiatives. He directed the Tribal Technical Assistance Program at Colorado State University where he served the tribes and stakeholders in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Mr. Hall is also a consultant who has worked on several tribal and statewide planning and tribal consultation projects. He has been active in the Transportation Research Board where he worked to create the Standing Committee on Native American Transportation Issues in 2001 and has served as Chair and Research Coordinator.


  • 2022-Present, Tribal Transportation Program Manager, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU
  • 2014-Present, President, Bubar & Hall Consulting, LLC
  • 1994-2014, Director, Tribal Technical Assistance Program, Colorado State University
  • 1989-1994, General Counsel, Transportation Associates
  • 1992-1993, Private Practice, Gover, Stetson, and Williams, P.C.
  • 1989-1991, Private Practice, Ronald C. Hall Attorney at Law
  • 1988-1989, General Counsel, Excel Surety
  • 1986-1988, Private Practice, Fredericks & Pelcyger


  • J.D., Doctorate of Law, Mitchell Hamline School of Law, 1985
  • B.S., Sociology and Criminal Justice, Augustana University, 1982
NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050