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Research Finds Ridesourcing May Provide Mobility Option for Impaired Drivers in Rural Areas

Posted: Dec 14, 2021

Photo Source: WikimediaWith targeted education related to the accessibility, familiarity, and incentives related to ridesourcing, research at North Dakota State University indicates this mobility option could become a viable impaired driving prevention strategy in rural communities. In a survey of North Dakota drivers, the majority of respondents said ridesourcing may be a good option for older adult mobility (56.2%) and as a ride alternative to driving after drinking (83.9%). About half of the respondents had previously used ridesourcing and only 87% had smartphones that would allow them to access ridesourcing services. Other questions revealed a lack of knowledge about how to access and use the services and incentives that might be available to reduce the cost.

Kimberly Vachal, Ph.D.
North Dakota State University

Ridesourcing in Rural Communities, North Dakota Driver Survey

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050