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UGPTI to Sponsor Trucking Conference in June

Posted: Apr 2, 2008

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at NDSU will host a regional trucking conference in June to facilitate an exchange of ideas and information among trucking companies and state departments of transportation.

"Trucks are the primary logistics provider for rural businesses," notes Mark Lofgren, a UGPTI researcher who is helping organize the conference. "We want to assure that the trucking industry is agile enough to adapt to changes in the transportation industry and to changes in the needs of rural business."

The conference will be June 17-18 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo. Trucking firms, trucking industry customers and representatives from state departments of transportation in North Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario are being invited to the conference. A keynote speaker for the conference is expected to be an official from the American Trucking Associations.

Primary topics for the conference will include:

  • Innovative technology in truck logistics, safety and freight security
  • Cross-border freight flows
  • Truck size and weight issues

Sponsors of the conference include the Federal Highway Administration, the UGPTI's Rural Transportation Safety and Security Center, the North Dakota Motor Carrier Association and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. For more information, go to www.ugpti.org.

Published in NDSU's staff newsletter
It's Happening at State
Apr. 2, 2008

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