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GRIT Provides Key Info for Road and Bridge Needs Study

Posted: May 1, 2020

North Dakota counties have done an excellent job of updating road and bridge information into UGPTI's Geographic Roadway Inventory Tool (GRIT). GRIT helps county road managers track road and roadway asset data such as surfacing, age, pavement depth, costs, base depth and type, width, shoulders, inslopes, right of way and other information. The information helps them identify key road needs in their counties and target investments to where they will do the most good.

At the same time, UGPTI researchers are able to use those data to help estimate statewide investment needs. To develop the most accurate estimate of needs possible, it is imperative that counties continue to update recent road construction projects along with all data items as mentioned above.

Recently, UGPTI launched a GRIT users Facebook page to help county staff share ideas for using and improving the tool. A team of GRIT users from seven counties and UGPTI manage the page.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050