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Posted: Feb 12, 2018

NDLTAP director Dale Heglund and DOTSC/ATAC director Brad Wentz were presenters at the 2018 ND Association of County Engineers annual meeting in Fargo, Jan 24-26.

Wentz provided an update on new features available in the Geographic Roadway Inventory Tool and training that is now available to county staff. He also provided information on LoadPass, the uniform county weight permitting program used in the 19 Western Dakota Energy Association (WDEA). The program gives counties and townships improved control over heavy loads traveling over their roads and provides a consolidated location for companies to obtain overweight (non-divisible loads) and over-dimension permits for travel on local roads, including member county, township and city roads. It also eliminates the need for a company traveling through multiple counties to obtain a permit from multiple county courthouses. LoadPass has been in operation for more than 30 years, but has been updated to keep pace with growth in the energy industry. WDEA has contracted with UGPTI to provide training on the system.

Heglund provided an update on training and outreach efforts provided by NDLTAP for counties. Key topics in upcoming months will include gravel road maintenance, chainsaw safety, truck operation and safety, asphalt paving and sealing, and asset management.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050