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UGPTI Is Stakeholder in ND's 'Vision Zero' Safety Initiative

Posted: Jan 22, 2018

Photo Credit: North Dakota Dept. of TransportationUGPTI researcher Kim Vachal attended the statewide roll-out of North Dakota's "Vision Zero" traffic safety initiative at the state capitol Thursday, Jan. 18. Vachal represents UGPTI on the NDDOT's Strategic Highway Safety Plan Steering Committee and serves on the young driver and impaired driving subcommittees.

UGPTI's primary role is to provide research and analysis to support the NDDOT Safety Division in its planning and programming activities. As a result, decision makers will be able to make research-based decisions for implementing programming within the Vision Zero initiative. The safety division is also working on an update to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan which will become the strategic framework for the initiative.

Vision Zero is a comprehensive, multi-agency effort with the goal of continually working toward zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads. Each participating agency has a lead role in both educating the public and implementing state laws with respect to traffic safety.

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