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4 report(s) found with markets in the keywords field
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North Dakota wheat producers are located long distances from major consumer and export markets. Understanding the competitive position of their products is important to focusing efforts for market development and transportation investments. Research here provides some fundamental knowledge about market...


This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry.


One significant consideration when examining a business venture is to define the network for the product. The network design should take into account the number, size, and location of suppliers, producers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers.The spreadsheet model allows consideration of a number...

Factors Affecting Rail Car Supply (Mar 2001, MPC-01-121)

Because of the differentiated car program types, it is essential to understand the costs and benefits of each of them. Depending on your situation, a combination of different programs may have the best return for each organization. By providing descriptions of programs, decision makers are able to better...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050