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94 report(s) found with safety in the keywords field
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A study was conducted to investigate why people talk on a cell phone while driving and why they also support legislation to restrict this practice. Participants completed a survey about their driving attitudes, abilities, and behaviors, and performed the OSPAN task. They reported using cell phones for...

Multitasking may diminish the self-awareness of performance that is often essential for self-regulation and self-knowledge. Participants in an experiment drove on a simulator while talking or not talking on a cell phone. The errors they made while driving were recorded. Following previous research, participants...

For highways located in different counties and cities across the country, specific conditions of weather, terrain, traffic characteristics, highway conditions, population and economic development are all different. Driving environments, traffic accidents and injury risks have strong interactions, which...

Improving roadway safety on Indian reservations requires a comprehensive approach. Limited resources, lack of crash data, and few cross-jurisdictions coordination has made it difficult for Native American communities to address their roadway safety concerns. A methodology to improve roadway safety has...

The sharp increase in travel volumes, shift in traffic mix, and large increases in crashes have transformed the traffic environment in the oil region of western North Dakota. Roads once used for local access and agricultural purposes now regularly serve the energy sector. Oil companies, workers, commercial...

Bridge inspection is an important phase in bridge management. In 2009, a joint American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute and AASHTO Ad-Hoc group was created to identify the issues in bridge safety and to study current bridge practices. This group recommended: "A more rational...

Automated vehicles promote road safety, fuel efficiency, and reduced travel time by decreasing traffic congestion and driver workload. In a vehicle platoon (grouping vehicles to increase road capacity by managing distance between vehicles using electrical and mechanical coupling) of such automated vehicles...

The overall project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of shear spiking (technique already developed through a previous project). Many timber railroad bridges are deficient but it is too costly to replace them; hence, inexpensive repair techniques are needed. The proposed project will provide the necessary...

The sharp increase in travel volumes, shift in traffic mix, and large increases in crashes have transformed the travel environment in the oil region of western North Dakota. Roads once used for local access and agricultural purposes now mostly serve expanding oil production. Oil companies, workers, commercial...

Improved emergency medical services (EMS) will impact traffic safety and public health in rural communities. Better planned, designed, and operated roadway networks that connect hospitals with communities in need will enhance EMS performance. To provide safe, timely and quality services, it is necessary...

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