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5 report(s) found with perception in the keywords field
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U.S. residents across many regions continue to face episodes of poor air quality due in part to pollution and emissions from the transportation sector. Strategies to encourage travel behavior changes and reduced driving during such events may or may not be effective. To illuminate how area-wide air pollution...

Studies of self-regulation suggest that monitoring is essential for task performance and the attainment of goals. Research was conducted to investigate factors affecting the monitoring of driving and driving safety. Participants drove on a simulator course while discussing emotional topics or daily routines....

Perception-reaction times (PRT) and deceleration rates are critical components in the design of highways and streets. This research has several objectives, including 1) evaluate differences in PRT and deceleration rates between crash and near-crash events, 2) assess the correlation between PRT and deceleration...

This paper summarizes the results of a study on direct assessment of rural user needs. The objective of the study was to assess rural road users and providers perception of rural road needs. Different rural road user groups were identified to obtain a representative sample of perceptions. Users groups...

Transportation fulfills three major roles in a developed economy. First, it is an enabler that allows an economy to develop. Second, it is a facilitator of competition for producers throughout broad area. And finally, transportation is a component of the Gross National Product. The motor carrier industry...

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