MPC Research Reports Filter by Author19 report(s) found for Eugene M. Wilson This paper presents a prototype safety improvement program (SIP), which was developed specifically for unpaved roads. The combination of high mileage, low traffic volume, and limited budgets make it difficult for local agencies to adopt traditional safety improvement programs. The SIP for unpaved roads... With rapid advancement in technology, it is becoming difficult for transportation professionals to keep pace over their career lifetimes. Continuing education programs are a way to help combat this problem. These programs are being pursued by departments of transportation and universities across the... In 1995, the Mountain-Plains Consortium in the U.S. initiated TEL8. TEL8 is a satellite-based telecommunications system that serves ten sites in Federal Highway Administration's Region 8. This paper presents the attributes of TEL8 to demonstrate the roles for distance learning in a changing world. The... Tourism is a very important industry to Wyoming. Understanding the trends of this industry helps the state provide tourists with an enjoyable, informative, and memorable experience. This study was designed to obtain information from Wyoming tourists to determine the main reasons for visiting, tourist... The Wyoming loop tour program, as evaluated in this study, involved two components. One component dealt with the location criteria and an evaluation of the existing loop tours which is contained in a companion report, MPC 94-29. Included in this study is a discussion of models used in determining economic... In this research, criteria were developed for designating and evaluating scenic loop tours based on roadway conditions, scenic beauty, number of local communities, population, and anchor attractions. Two existing scenic loop tours in Wyoming -- the Cheyenne and Oregon Trail Loop Tour and the Bighorns... The goals of this study were to depict the continuing educational needs of Region VIII state transportation departments, to devise alternative methods of educational delivery, and to identify and overcome institutional and technological barriers. Surveys of Wyoming and North Dakota transportation department... Communication of current road and travel conditions may potentially reduce the number of accidents attributable to wintertime driving in rural mountain states. This research paper addresses the provision of current road and travel information to road users. There is a potential for using real-time remote... The purpose of this study was to evaluate motorist information needs during adverse winter travel conditions, and the application of this information to changeable message signs. Local commuters and interstate truck traffic along Interstate 80 in southeast Wyoming were the principle source of information....