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MPC Research Reports
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5 report(s) found for Mark Lofgren
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North Dakota consistently experiences a relatively high level of crashes and injuries on rural roads, considering lane miles and vehicle miles traveled. Approximately 55% of the state's travel, in vehicle-miles, takes place on rural roads. North Dakota fatal crash reports from 2003 to 2007 show that...

Since September 11, 2001, and subsequent threats to the transportation system, large urban area planners have become increasingly aware of the importance of alternative routing for hazardous materials movements by trucks. Transportation planners and engineers have developed security relationships with...

This study provides an overview of alternative fuel use and potential in the Mountain Plains Region (MPR) as well as a benefit/cost analysis of switching from traditional to alternative fuels (such as ethanol and biodiesel) for a specific university in the region. The study analyzes users that would...

MPOs are beginning to consider implications of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation that requires specific attention for security elements in transportation planning. This most recent federal transportation bill extracts...

Logistics strategies and practices are essential elements for improving a company's competitiveness in domestic or global markets. Firms expanding into domestic and global markets from the Midwestern and Plains states need to employ efficient strategic logistics practices to compete. Identifying the...

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